If you have a fast internet connection the requested web page loads very fast, otherwise it may take ages to load a page to your browser.
Check your loading speed of the web page from various browsers in your geographical area so that you can switch to the best browser.
Load.in is the website which calculates the time a web page takes to load a webpage from various browsers. You can also compare the time taken for a web page to load in your geographical area to the other geographical areas.
After navigating to this website type the web page url for which you need to calculate the load time, then load time is displayed within few seconds near the header of the website.
Facebook and twitter are the websites which are banned in china, when any one request the load time for a facebook page in Beijing, China the page will not load. Some countries ban websites which contain content against their laws, you can use this site to check whether a particular website is available in that country or not?
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